As new technology increases collaboration capabilities across vast distances, it makes sending terabytes of information easier than snail-mailing a birthday card to your grandmother. As the availability of technology expands, prices drop, and people purchase it for their home offices.
With all the equipment at your fingertips, a home-based business isn’t at a disadvantage anymore. Our TSS Photography franchise owners know that firsthand. Not every TSS Photography franchise is based in the owner’s home, but many are — in fact, some of our most successful franchisees work from home.
While working from home may not be for everyone, the benefits shouldn’t be ignored.
Benefits of Working from Home
We wanted to know what other people were saying about working from home. As we researched, we learned that many of the perks experienced by TSS Photography franchise owners were the same ones mentioned by others. We’ve pulled together those benefits mentioned most often.
No Commute
Productivity is key to a small business and with no need to drive, find parking, wait at the bus stop, or get stuck on a late train, you’re already ahead. Simply move from “home” to “work” and back without losing a second of creative energy. Not only will you save time, but you can reduce the stress from dealing with traffic and large crowds.
You might not be able to pick up milk on your way home, but your boost in productivity will be worth the special trip to the store.
Quick Scalability
Another bonus of working from a home office is the ease of scalability. If you add new clients or take time off, you aren’t on the hook for rented office space. TSS Photography photo shoots are in the field at locations such as sports fields, school gyms, and auditoriums. Adding part- or full-time employees doesn’t mean you need to adjust office space.
Keep the Money You Make
You work hard for your money, right? When you own a home-based business, the harder you work, the more money finds its way into your pocket — and stays there — once you pay the bills. Your hard work, efficiency, and productivity are all rewarded directly to you.
Smaller Risk
The equations for calculating risk become simpler when you don’t have to include overhead for office space. Whether the business is successful or not, you’ll continue living in your home. There’s even a tax deduction for using your home as a workplace when you file your taxes.
Custom Work Space
How many times have you been distracted while working because the room was too hot or cold? One recent study shows a woman’s performance suffers when she is cold. When your office is in your home, it’s up to you to create a space conducive to how you work best — the noise level, temperature, amount of light, etc. — you’re the one in charge. Also, the dress code is yours to decide, so pajama Monday is up to you.
In Their Own Words
The reasons listed above contribute to why TSS Photography franchise owners love working from home, but they aren’t the most mentioned. Without a doubt, TSS owners say the number one benefit of owning and managing a home-based business is the freedom and flexibility of managing their own schedule.
Choosing when to complete client projects while working around any scheduled medical appointments, school plays, vacations plans, etc. is the first perk franchise owners mention. Franchisees wouldn’t give up the choice of where to spend their time and are grateful to be free to invest in their families and hobbies.
For TSS franchisees, their businesses are more than just jobs but are a way of life. Just read what TSS Photography franchise owners have to say about it.
Lindsay Verdun from “Owning a Business and Changing Diapers: A Mom Who Does it All”
“Personally, my single favorite thing is that I can make my own schedule. It is the best of both worlds. I can say yes or no to jobs. I can focus on what’s important at my kids’ school. On top of teaching catechism classes at church, I am also a member of Peoria Mothers of Twins Club.”
Saundra Banning from “Working Moms: TSS Photography Franchisees Tell All”
“It did my kids good seeing their mom at work since it’s hard to see what work means when they can’t see it getting done. It’s great when your kids see how hard you work to pay for a vacation — they see me staying up until midnight to get orders filled or preparing for the next day. My kids have had the opportunity to be involved in every aspect of my business from carrying stuff to counting money — even helping with photos on picture day.”
Steve Sendall from “Entrepreneurs in Action: Buying a Photography Franchise”
“I love being able to control my own schedule. I am a hunting enthusiast. It makes me really happy that I don’t have to ask anyone for permission to go hunting when I want to. I don’t mind working six days a week as long as I can be off when we have a family engagement, or I have somewhere I want to go. It’s all up to me.”
Joan Hollander from “Entrepreneurs in Action: Buying a Photography Franchise”
“I have been busting my butt. That’s what you should expect when you start a business. It’s nice, even if I find myself working every day — even several hours each day — I can still take off and go play tennis whenever I want. I will enjoy having more time off this summer, and anytime I need to check on my aging parents I can go take care of them without having to get permission. It is so nice.”
Are You Ready to Start a Home-Based Business?
Building a business isn’t always easy but owning and managing a TSS Photography franchise is full of benefits. The statements above are just the tip of the iceberg. Visit us at tssfranchisebusiness.com for more information.